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Maggiore attends TTG Incontri 2014.

Thursday, 09 October 2014

Rimini, 9 October 2014 - Once again this year, Maggiore attended the TTG Incontri, the leading B2B international tourism exhibition, now in its 51st edition, with a completely new stand design in terms of colours and spaces, located inside the A5 Pavilion, Aisle 4, Stand 135/136.

Our goal, once again, was to consolidate and develop our position as the leading company for car rental and AmicoBlu van rental services, thanks to our range of solutions that are carefully designed to meet our customers' expectations, making Maggiore an increasingly integrated part of a modern, eco-friendly and advanced transport system.


Our important partnerships with Alitalia and Trenitalia are part of this plan, allowing us to offer our end customers exclusive opportunities to accumulate air miles or Cartafreccia points.


During the event, we will also be providing information for Travel Agents, who Maggiore has always taken special care of with special rates and regular promotions to support a market that, like many others, has been significantly affected by the economic crisis our country has been experiencing for some time.


Lastly, for Expo 2015, Maggiore will be participating with Fiat Chrysler in the "Made of Italians" programme, the only scheme offering all Italian citizens living abroad, as well as foreign citizens of Italian origin, discounts and special rates for planning their trip to Italy to visit their childhood homes or discover the Italy they've heard about from their grandparents or family.