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Maggiore supports IncontraDonna Onlus.

Wednesday, 02 October 2013

For the third consecutive year, Maggiore is subscribing to the Frecciarosa initiative, promoted by the IncontraDonna Onlus association in collaboration with Trenitalia, by supporting the breast cancer prevention month that will kick off on 1 October.

"Our company is particularly proud to be able to participate in the initiative again this year, not only to provide practical support to such a noble cause, but also to help disseminate the concept of prevention, at the base of scientific research in the broadest sense," said Vittorio Maggiore, President of the Maggiore Group.

Concurrently with Frecciarosa and, therefore, the activity of consulting with regard to prevention of breast cancer by medical specialists on board dedicated trains departing daily from Rome Termini and Milan Central, Maggiore will donate 1 euro to IncontraDonna Onlus for every rental made by its customers in the month of October, with any product in the entire range of options linked to Trenitalia.