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Winners of the “L’Italia che mi piace” competition…

Wednesday, 09 January 2013

Let’s start the New Year with some good news: the names of the six talented and lucky winners of the Maggiore “L’Italia che mi piace” (The Italy I like) competition!

Out of the competitors with the most votes from our Facebook fans, fortune favoured Giovanna Collura from Favara (AG) with her inviting and tasty dish in the colours of the national flag; Francesco Arena from Rome, with his suggestive portrayal of the eternal city, and lastly Zaira Bianchini from Vedano Olona (VA) whose glimpse of the sea made us dream of the summer. Maggiore awarded all three with a SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 3 and thank them for representing a little bit of the Italy we like in their photos.

The winners of the Samsung ST72 Camera on the other hand were Andrea Gioda from Asti, Nunzio Roberto Basciano from Trapani and Cristina Boscarin from San Donà di Piave (VE), extracted randomly from all those who voted and helped us select the photos that represent our country best.