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Meeting at the AIDAF observatory: Family business in Italy.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

"Family businesses in Italy", an important meeting that took place in Rome, at the Maggiore Group headquarters. It was presented from the AldAF-Unicredit Bocconi Observatory, promoted by the Italian Association of Family Businesses and implemented thanks to the scientific contribution of the Bocconi University (Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi).

After the welcome greeting from the host, Vittorio Maggiore, as he addressed a large audience of entrepreneurs, the work began, introduced by Prof. Guido Corbetta, Dean of the Chair of AIdAF-Albert Falk-Bocconi University , who explained to the participants the goals of the meeting, the demographic characteristics of family businesses, their dynamism and the consequent impact on performance.

This was followed by an interesting discussion, moderated by Gioacchino Attanasio, General Manager of AIdAF, with the active participation of Isabella Bruno Tolomei Frigerio, President of Gruppo Ferfina Spa, Claudio Carnevale, President and Chief Executive Officer of Acotel Group Spa, Dario Prunotto, Head of Private Banking Italy-UniCredit, Corrado Piazzalunga, Head of Corporate Banking Centre-South-UniCredit, and, of course, that of Vittorio Maggiore, President of the Maggiore Group.
Numerous topics were covered, ranging from the greater openness in the leadership and governing structures towards individuals external to the controlling family, to the positive impact that the strong rejuvenating process at the top of the family businesses appears to have, without neglecting the economic and financial approach to take, in response to the current recession.

At the end of the meeting, everyone retired to the prestigious Maggiore corporate Fitness Centre, transformed for the occasion into a splendid gastronomic setting.